Totally Scalable

100 HarvestTowers will occupy just about 1/4 acre of land and produce more than 100,000 produce products/year.

A Tested And Proven System For High Volume, Healthy Crops

Small, medium and large urban farms are becoming very popular and the HarvestTowertm System is the perfect solution to take all the headaches out of the operation.

Depending on space and your desired growing capability, HarvestTowerstm are available as a solarized system or can be designed for commercial farming operations with hundred of towers. our basic system contains 100 HarvestTowerstm to generate more than 100,000 pieces of produce per year. This can be scaled in groups of 100 HarvestTowerstm to create large-scale operations in areas like Tribal lands and small communities with available land.

Our experienced staff will not only design the system, but we will install the system on your site as well.  We will teach your staff the proper operating techiniques and how to maintain the system.  Green City Farms will not only help plan your crops, but we can provide the seedlings and proper nutrients needed to optimize your crops.