About Us

Urban Food Desert Solutions
To Feed Local At-Risk Communities Across The US.

Green City Farms Organic Growth Systems is a hybrid system developed by combining the best qualities of hydroponics and aeroponics.  Our HarvestTowerTM utilizes both technologies in a specially designed environment where air, water and nutrients are carefully controlled to provide plants with optimum growing conditions.

The HarvestTowerTM is manufactured with the highest quality materials and engineered to perform flawlessly with the least amount of effort.

Their are 102 plants that can be grown in one HarvestTower. With 100 Towers, we can harvest 120,000 plants per year- including lettuces, herbs, microgreens and some fruits.

The First Farm Location In St. Petersburg, Florida

The first Green City Farm will be located in South St. Petersburg, FL on property owned by Veterans Village USA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation that provides services to veterans, including a food pantry.

Situated on land near a neighborhood and right on the Pinellas Trail, it’s a great location to serve the local community and have visitors from the neighborhood and those who travel the Trail.


They have been looking for a sustainable food source for the veterans they serve (visit THEIR WEBSITE for more information.


Saving Our Seniors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that serves the needs of low income seniors with a weekly food pantry.
Provide affordable housing and medical care, promote green sustainable living skills for veterans and support other groups also helping veterans.